In processes of growth, fundraising or corporate restructuring, an external M&A operation is often the best way to solve problems or maximize the use of opportunities.

V2Finance team has a wide experience in various types of transactions and sectors, planning and executing all stages of the operation.


Planning and Preparation

  • Planning strategic options for Mergers & Acquisitions.
  • Identification of critical points to make the transaction feasible and key factors for greater value generation.
  • Monitoring and preparation of the Company.


Merger, Alliance or Joint Venture

  • Associations and partnerships with suppliers, customers or competitors
  • Local or foreign companies.
  • Estruturação com empresas existentes ou criação de nova empresa.


Partial or Total Sale

  • Total sale of the business.
  • Funding via Private Equity.
  • Sale of shares.
  • Sale of product lines, brands and other specific assets.


Partial or Total Acquisition

  • Total or partial acquisition for expansion, concentration, verticalization or diversification.
  • Expansion for after sale.
  • International expansion.
  • Acquisition of know-how and new technologies.