The valuation of a company is a preliminary and fundamental step in Mergers & Acquisitions operations. The company may also choose to carry out an assessment for the purpose of measuring and generating shareholder value, regardless of an external operation.

Count on the leading experts in Brazil to evaluate your company. Rodrigo Maimone Pasin and Daniel Shiguihara, in addition to a wide experience in valuations of publicly traded companies, are absolute references in the development of new valuation methods, with experience of more than 400 valuation cases already performed successfully.

Valuation models

Discounted cash flow

Relative valuation or multiples analysis

Equity valuation (Equity equivalence)

V2Finance has a database with M&A transactions that have taken place in Brazil since 1996 and engages the services of the major transaction databases so that the relative valuations will have updated national and international references, will be reliable and supported by market references and by the potential of the evaluated company.

V2Finance partners are authors of renowned technical studies, papers and innovative books dealing with corporate finance, being undisputed references in the entire financial market in Brazil and used by several universities in their undergraduate and graduate courses.