V2FINANCE–ONEtoONE is an absolute reference in the Mergers & Acquisitions sector

Our global operations, investment banking expertise, innovative technological platform and powerful databases of companies and transactions, make V2Finance-ONEtoONE the best advisor for M&A transactions in the middle market.

Our Company

V2Finance-ONEtoONE is an absolute reference in the Mergers & Acquisitions sector in Brazil.

V2Finance-ONEtoONE advised 80 companies in total or partial purchase and sale transactions, involving financial and strategic, national and international investors.

V2Finance-ONEtoONE is headquartered in Spain, has 50 offices around the world, has more than 150 specialized professionals dedicated exclusively to M&A negotiations, databases with approximately 50 million companies and has carried out over 1,000 transactions since 2006.


The Best International M&A Advisor in 2019

Our partners

V2Finance-ONEtoONE do Brasil Team is led by Rodrigo Maimone Pasin and Daniel Shiguihara.


Shiguihara has a degree in business administration from EAESP/FGV, having already worked with Mergers & Acquisitions in the offices of strategic partners in the US and Europe and is fluent in English.

Rodrigo Maimone

Pasin has a degree in business administration from FEA/USP/Ribeirão Preto with a master’s degree in financial administration from FEA/USP/São Paulo, having already worked in audit firms and investment banks, being fluent in English and with excellent communication skills. in Spanish and French.

Global Presence

All 50 offices of V2Finance-ONEtoONE work together, with rules and procedures and an ethic committee, demonstrating our performance as a global company, with strong local operations, overcoming cultural barriers and generating the best results.


  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • U.S
  • México
  • Costa Rica
  • Puerto Rico


  • Spain
  • France
  • Italy
  • UK
  • Portugal
  • Germany
  • Netherlands
  • Bélgium
  • Denmark
  • Norway
  • Luxembourg
  • Serbia
  • Cyprus
  • Rússia

Africa and Asia

  • Kenia
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Japan
  • Philipines



Own Technology and Exclusive Databases

Our innovative technology has been developed in-house, and our powerful databases and analytical systems provide customers with complete control of the business process and a broad base of investors, buyers and sellers.

Business model globally integrated

All 44 offices of V2Finance – ONEtoONE work together, with rules and procedures and an ethics committee, demonstrating our performance as a global company, with strong local operations, overcoming cultural barriers and generating the best results.

Seniority and dedication

Our customers are always served directly by senior directors (with support from the team), responsible for conducting the entire M&A process (from the initial meetings, coordination of the disclosure material, valuation, as well as the completeness of the negotiation process).


We work independently and without conflicts of interest in the intermediation of Mergers and Acquisitions operations.


Experts in international transactions




Accessible companies worldwide


Cross-border transactions




Sell-side businesses sold to strategic buyers

Our mission

Generate value for your business in domestic and international operations and delight through our performance committed to the our customers’ goals.

Our vision

Leading the Brazilian M&A market in the middle-market segment, carrying out outstanding international and domestic operations and maximizing our customers’ wealth.

Our values





Focus on people


Our performance

V2Finance-ONEtoONE assists its clients in the process of buying and selling companies using the base of contacts, regional knowledge and international experience of professionals located in these 27 different countries where we are present and in others where we have local partnerships.

Valuation and corporate finance

The valuation service provides the client with knowledge of the value of their business and uses valuation as a management tool, making this economic modeling supported by the assumptions and interconnected with the company’s strategy. The Valuation Report is mandatory so that investors can amortize the goodwill from M&A operations or from investments in intangible assets (Impairment Test).

Mergers & Acquisitions and Fundraising

Being present in São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto and Curitiba, V2Finance – ONEtoONE is one of the leading independent corporate finance consultants with a strong presence in Brazil and abroad. Our services are focused on M&A operations, valuation and corporate finance. In the last few years, we have carried out 80 M&A transactions, proving the effectiveness of our operations. Our ONEtoONE partners have carried out more than 1,000 transactions since the founding of the Company.

Track record

Own Technological Platform and Exclusive Databases

Our innovative technology was developed in-house, and our databases and analytical systems provide customers with complete control of the business process and a broad basis of investors, buyers and sellers.

Our customers have access to an innovative and totally secure tool that allows them to access all information related to the project at any time and anywhere on the computer / cell phone screen.

Our customers know everything that happens, the companies that are contacted, the details of the negotiations and the progress of the mandate.

Through this innovative technological platform, V2Finance-ONEtoONE provides total transparency, secrecy and clarity to our customers on each stage of the negotiation.

Our database contains information about more than 50 million companies worldwide, information about buyers and sellers and their transactions.

Published books

These works were developed over the last 18 years and included case studies of the Mergers & Acquisitions transactions carried out by V2Finance-ONEtoONE, its academic and commercial partners, employees and former employees and also with analysis of public transactions.


Rodrigo Maimone Pasin

Daniel Shiguihara

+55 11 98147-0355

Rua Mateus Grou, 57  – 1º andar
Pinheiros, São Paulo – SP, 05415-050

For questions or scheduling a visit/meeting, please contact us using the form below: